Betheny Ever After

Posted by Darwin Garza

I just recently moved to a new area of Georgia and got all of my utilities set up including direct tv richmond hill. I am so happy that my television provider is set up so fast because one of my favorite shows is going to be coming on soon. Betheny Ever After is basically a guilty pleasure of mine because I know this show is not actually all that good but at the same time I just can’t stop watching it! I love how neurotic and crazy Betheny is. I love how funny and crazy her relationship is with her husband. I also like how she allows the cameras in to the room with her when she goes to her therapist. It is a bit refreshing that as a celebrity she doesn’t try to hide that side of her life from the public. I think it makes her all that much more watchable and endearing. I especially liked the episodes where she was working on growing the Skinny Girl business and she went in and toured the plant where they bottle and package all of the Skinny Girl margarita products.

the little willies - jolene


I Need to Make a Video

So, I've was given the responsibility to make an internet video.  I didn't know where to begin.  I spent many hours sifting through the video clips.  It was overwhelming.  I felt like I had put in a ton of work myself with nothing to show for all the work I had done.   I decided to try to get some help with my internet video production.

I searched for a company that could help with this project and any other project that I made need to use a company to help with my future video needs too. I wanted to find a company that I could start to build a relationship with and not have to find a new company for each video need.  I also wanted to find a company that could fit with my individuals needs, not me having to fit with their needs.  

They have experience with virtual tours, corporate video productions, music videos, training video production, and narrative work including feature film production.  Wow!  That is a lot of areas in which they can help me when I need any kind of business video productionFor me, this means no more stressing out about having the responsibility of video productions.  Help is now at my finger tips.