
Thanks for the guest post by Donn Schroeder

My sister is one of the biggest hypochondriacs that ever lived. And, she has my mother convinced that she has every illness known to man. It has been that way our whole lives. She is the baby of the family and has always been treated like she is some kind of princess. It used to bother me, but now that I am grown and don’t see my sister that often I rarely think about it. Of course, when I am talking to my mom, she always steers the conversation towards something about my sister. For instance she wants me to email her and ask her how she is feeling. I mean seriously do I really want to know how she is feeling? Now don’t get me wrong, if she really had something seriously wrong with her I would be there to support her. But, I just can’t get on the bandwagon when I know that she is really playing everyone for everything she can get out of them. She is always looking up diseases on WebMD on her internet service she has through SatelliteStarInternet.com. Then she finds one that suits some kind of symptom she says she is having and is convinced that she has some strange illness. Of course, it never pans out. But she has my mom suckered in to believe all these different things are wrong with her. Even when she had her kids, she had my mom convinced that it was the worst labor and delivery that anyone ever had. I think that if it had been the worst, then she would no longer be with us. Give me a break!

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