harry potter group halloween costumes

Guest post written by Kimberly Stuart

We're big fans of everything Harry Potter in our household and any time that there's a Harry Potter weekend on TV, which is about every third weekend, all we do is sit around and watch it. After we went to the grand opening of the Harry Potter Wizarding World a few months ago, we knew that we wanted to dress up as characters for Halloween.
Now, because we're such big fans, I've been using my clear tv bundle a whole lot lately to look up things that we can incorporate into our outfits.
My husband is going to dress up like Hagrid and I'm going to be Hermoine. Then our two sons are going to dress up like Harry and Ron, which I was afraid was going to start a fight over who was going to be Harry, but our youngest wanted to be Ron. So that avoided a Harry Potter catastrophe right there. We have the cloaks for our outfits, now I just have to get working on making our wands.

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